
mmedit.datasets.transforms.formatting 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Tuple

from mmcv.transforms.base import BaseTransform

from mmedit.registry import TRANSFORMS
from mmedit.structures import EditDataSample
from mmedit.utils import all_to_tensor

[文档]class PackEditInputs(BaseTransform): """Pack data into EditDataSample for training, evaluation and testing. MMediting follows the design of data structure from MMEngine. Data from the loader will be packed into data field of EditDataSample. More details of DataSample refer to the documentation of MMEngine: Args: keys Tuple[List[str], str, None]: The keys to saved in returned inputs, which are used as the input of models, default to ['img', 'noise', 'merged']. data_keys Tuple[List[str], str, None]: The keys to saved in `data_field` of the `data_samples`. meta_keys Tuple[List[str], str, None]: The meta keys to saved in `metainfo` of the `data_samples`. All the other data will be packed into the data of the `data_samples` """ def __init__( self, keys: Tuple[List[str], str] = ['merged', 'img'], meta_keys: Tuple[List[str], str] = [], data_keys: Tuple[List[str], str] = [], ) -> None: assert keys is not None, \ 'keys in PackEditInputs can not be None.' assert data_keys is not None, \ 'data_keys in PackEditInputs can not be None.' assert meta_keys is not None, \ 'meta_keys in PackEditInputs can not be None.' self.keys = keys if isinstance(keys, List) else [keys] self.data_keys = data_keys if isinstance(data_keys, List) else [data_keys] self.meta_keys = meta_keys if isinstance(meta_keys, List) else [meta_keys]
[文档] def transform(self, results: dict) -> dict: """Method to pack the input data. Args: results (dict): Result dict from the data pipeline. Returns: dict: A dict contains - 'inputs' (obj:`dict`): The forward data of models. According to different tasks, the `inputs` may contain images, videos, labels, text, etc. - 'data_samples' (obj:`EditDataSample`): The annotation info of the sample. """ # prepare inputs inputs = dict() for k in self.keys: value = results.get(k, None) if value is not None: inputs[k] = all_to_tensor(value) # return the inputs as tensor, if it has only one item if len(inputs.values()) == 1: inputs = list(inputs.values())[0] data_sample = EditDataSample() # prepare metainfo and data in DataSample according to predefined keys predefined_data = { k: v for (k, v) in results.items() if k not in (self.data_keys + self.meta_keys) } data_sample.set_predefined_data(predefined_data) # prepare metainfo in DataSample according to user-provided meta_keys required_metainfo = { k: v for (k, v) in results.items() if k in self.meta_keys } data_sample.set_metainfo(required_metainfo) # prepare metainfo in DataSample according to user-provided data_keys required_data = { k: v for (k, v) in results.items() if k in self.data_keys } data_sample.set_tensor_data(required_data) return {'inputs': inputs, 'data_samples': data_sample}
[文档] def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
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